P44 - 06-2022
Bulletin 2 - Summary of the second year project activities.The Erasmus Club will summarize all activities that have been done so far and add photos. The bulletin will be written in mother tongue, printed and distributed to pupils at school, parents and the local community and placed on the website.
IN CHARGE: The coordinator of each partner school
INVOLVED: Erasmus+ school clubs
P45 - 06-2022
Project photobook 2 – The international book of crafts for 21. century - the book will contain compilation of the description of using modern technologies from each partner country. The book will contain the most important kinds of industry in the local area of each country. Each Craft will be described in mother tongue and in English.The coordinating school will be in charge of producing the book. The book will be printed in a hard copy and descributed to each partners´ school. It will serve as a CLIL materials.
IN CHARGE: Main project coordinator (Czech Republic)
P49 - 06-2022
The project calender for the next school year- it will be made due to good experience, it will contain photos from past two project years. The calendar will be as a leaving present for each partner school and will be produced by the main coordinating school.
IN CHARGE: Main project coordinator (The Czech Republic).