C4 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils 05-2022 Vivat my future
• Sum up of the other project period (October 2021 - May 2022)
• Pupils from hosting school will introduce school and town to the guests
• meet colleagues from School Erasmus clubs from other partners schools
• meet penpalls face to face
• The project Crafts map- ,,Czech part" (P 47) and finalizing of the map. The map will be displayed in townhall in Holice and than send to each partner country to be displayed for local community.
• presentations called "My project experience" (P 43)- each Eramus Club will present their work to other participants
• Members of Erasmus club will continue with keeping track in "Pilgrim Diary" (P 46). Pilgrim Diary will be finalized during STE in the Czech Republic.
• All of the participants taking part in short-term exchange are going to visit Czech local industry and also experience local traditional craft.
• Pupils with their teachers will make "My Erasmus+ experience" collages. (P 48)
• Practical usage of multilanguage dictionary - P 32, P 38
• Exchange of good practise based on Ordinary (P 39) and Sample lessons (P 40).Teachers and pupils will take part in dissemination part of short-term exchange. Students will get unique opportunity to experience different styles of teaching from teachers from other partners schools. Teachers will exchange worksheets and experience, too. Lessons will be focused on Career guidance
• Exhibition of crafted material from Ordinary lesson at hosting school (P 39)
• Award for the winner of poster competition (P 37)
• Garden party - the final project celebration to promote European Union and its benefit to involved countries and also good practise of primary school education.
• We would like to invite our guests from partner schools, coordinators, members of Erasmus+ clubs, students, teachers and even local community. The main coordinator will sum up the lasting of the project and the discussion about future cooperation will take place. There will be also opportunity to display the project activities work and outcomes.
• Each partner´s school will write a report in own language for local press
• Participants of short -term exchanges will be also included to normal school flow, but there is no point to disturb everyday school lessons. The hosting school is completly responsible for organising the short- term exchange.