P16 - 01-2021

„My jobs´ family tree“ – pupils will focus on own family history, they will try to find as much as they can about ancesters´jobs. We would like to encourage them to feel the tradition and feel the importance of heritage. Their presentation can be done by any suitable way (poster, ppt, essay, etc). The outcomes will be displayed at each school, on the website etc. 

IN CHARGE: The coordinator of each partner school
INVOLVED: Erasmus+ school clubs

P17 - 01-2021

International dictionary II – will be focused on vocabularies connected with traditional tools used for crafts from each country. We will use ICT tools (quizlet, kahoot, etc.). The dictionary will be used in a practical way during the following short term exchange.

IN CHARGE: The coordinator of each partner school
INVOLVED: Erasmus+ school clubs

P18 - 01-2021

Essay- Topic : „My dream job in middleages“ - This activity is designed/planned for the whole schools. Children will use any literature genre and write an essay bearing the career guidance. Children with the help of history teachers will explore the jobs in middleages and gather information about that time. The best essays at each school will be rewarded. The best essays of each school will be also placed in the local newspaper, on the school webpages and on the project website.

IN CHARGE: The coordinator of each partner school
INVOLVED: Whole partners´ schools

January 2021 https://tradition-innovation.eu/ Super User


Beautiful moments

In our gallery you can take a look at photos from our activities, short – term exchanges and of our project outcomes.