P11 - 11-2020

Ordinary lesson
Organising ordinary lesson with the project topic - "Let me introduce traditional crafts“. We aim to introduce traditional crafts in own country. Merchandised products with CRAFT topic as well as the project logo will be produced during ordinary lessons. We will use the merchandised products for an exhibition which will take place in order to inform the local community and pupils´ parents about our project and about TRADITIONAL CRAFTS. The CLIL lesson will be used. This lesson will focus on the reading literacy, geography and history. The materials produced during the ordinary lesson will be also used during the short- term exchange C1(Poland) as means of sharing good practice and as a part of the dissemination process.

IN CHARGE: The coordinator of each partner school
INVOLVED: Whole partners´ schools

P12 - 11-2020

Sample lesson for young / inexperienced teachers - this lesson will focus on the reading literacy and it will be led by experienced teachers. The main topic will be "The role of crafts in the society in the past". The aim is to produce worksheets that will be further used as materials during the short term exchange C1(Poland). Some teachers of each school will present them and show different teaching styles and methods therefore dissemination of materials and exchange of good practice will take place. Worksheets will be placed on the project website for long term usage.

IN CHARGE: The coordinator of each partner school
INVOLVED: Whole partners´ schools

P13 - 11-2020

Excursion 1 – „Let´s experience traditional craft on our own skin“ - members of Erasmus club will explore and gain neccessary information about some traditional craft in the region. They will gain experience about the local craft and gain practical and usefull skills for everyday life. They will learn how important it is to safeguard the traditions and craftmanship for future generations. They will improve their self- exploration in order to make right career choice. 

IN CHARGE: The coordinator of each partner school
INVOLVED: Erasmus+ school clubs

P14 - 11-2020

Reportage 1 - The Craft reportage - In the frame of P13 each Erasmus club will make a report with usage of ICT tools (video, ppt presentation etc). This activity is going to connect the young generation using the modern technology and their diverse views with the cultural heritage and the historical background. We would like to bring new views of our students for heritage and enhance the youth engagement. The students will prepare the reportages and act in the reportages therefore they will experience a lot of new things. The reportages will be placed on the website and so that everyone can see them. The reportages will be presented by participants among their schoolmates. Dissemination will take place this way. 

IN CHARGE: The coordinator of each partner school
INVOLVED: Erasmus+ school clubs

November 2020 https://tradition-innovation.eu/ Super User


Beautiful moments

In our gallery you can take a look at photos from our activities, short – term exchanges and of our project outcomes.