P26 - 06-2021

Bulletin I - Summary of the first year project activities.The Erasmus Club will summarize all activities that have been done so far and add photos. The bulletin will be written in mother tongue, printed and distributed to pupils at school, parents and the local community. Bulletin will be placed on the project websites. 

IN CHARGE: The coordinator of each partner school
INVOLVED: Erasmus+ school clubs

P27 - 06-2021

Project photobook 1 – The international craftbook - the book will contain compilation of the description of three traditional crafts from each partner country. The craft describtion will be in mothertongue and also tranlated in English. It will serve as an overview of the most interesting jobs in each country and will show the diversity of Crafts in Europe. It can be used as a CLIL material during common lessons. The coordinating school will be in charge of producing the book. The book will be printed in a hard copy and distributed to all partners.

IN CHARGE: Main project coordinator (Czech Republic)

June 2021 https://tradition-innovation.eu/ Super User
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Created by ZŠ Komenského Holice - Czech Republic.